Nov 14, 2007

Fear and Freedom

This is a commentary of Edmundo Burciaga 's blog titles "Scare Tatic".

I definitely agree that American citizens live in unnecessary fear that defuses our freedoms. People are willing to believe almost anything, especially when told to believe so by such a high power. Our government hides so many things from the public, this gives us every reason to constantly question them. Why should we immediately consider everything they say? We shouldn’t. We shouldn’t let manipulation control what we are able to do. Most people don’t have the ability to rationalize, or think logically and that causes them to look ignorant to a logical thinkers eyes. The down side, though, to being the rational thinker is that you’re view is a minority.

You can read Edmundo Burciaga 's "Scare Tatic" at the following link: