Sep 20, 2007

All Crime is Local in '08 Politics

I read an interesting article in the New York Times about the increase in concern for local crime being recognized. A local murder in Newark drew national attention.Tom Tancredo (presidential candidate) blamed local officials and loose border security because a chief suspect was an illegal immigrant. That is closer than any presidential candidate has come to making crime a priority in a campaign over concerns about terrorism and the war in Iraq. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg argued that Americans have a much greater chance of being killed by crime than by a terror attack. Polls in this article show that certain local cities believe crime should be a number one priority because the crime rate has been increasing. Thr United States Justice Department reported that violent crime had increased 1.3 percent from 2005 to 2006 after rising 2.3 percent the year before. I definitely agree that crime should be a higher priority because if we cant protect our citizens in their own homes first then no one will feel safe. I think this is a good article to read because it shows the importance of local problems becoming more dominate.

Here is the link to the National, New York and Philadelphia polls on crime locally verses nationally.

Worries About Crime: National vs. Local

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